Every Day new 3D Models from all over the World. We want to turn on: Import-Export: Import Images as Planes (search 'image') Mesh: 3D Printing Toolbox (search 'print') Import image as planes creates a plane the same shape as your source image as well as a UV map and texture.176 'lithographic' 3D Models. Go to File > User Preferences and then click on the Add-ons tab. Click to find the best Results for lithograph Models for your 3D Printer. Click to find the best Results for lithophane holder Models for your 3D ee Downloads. In the recent past, direct laser lithography (DLL) has. The development of 3D structures at the microscale represents an important requirement in various fields such as tissue engineering and cell biology, photonics, plasmonic and metamaterials, micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), drug delivery, biomimetics, and microfluidics. Check out the guide on how to.1 Introduction. Color Lithophanes!You can now make color lithophanes with the ItsLitho lithophane maker tool.